Meline is a platform to let you express FACTS to enable others to make an objective opinion, because FACTS are FACTS and in a Communication Social Network become VIRAL and more powerful. Express relevant, interesting, dangerous, remarkable, inspiring FACTS. We are sure that information is more trustworthy when the source is the everyday people; it is more appealing, honest, straightforward, and without tendencies or filters to censor what people should not know.
Our goal
To make sure that you, the audience, control the information and only FACTS will prevail, you can vote, comment, dispute and argue information. You can also cancel fake or improper information............. enough of mass media manipulating information and feeding us lies.
How We Handle Censorship
We just don't! We believe in the Freedom of Speech; in the human nature. In FACTS we trust! We do not censor because FACTS are real and we will devote all our efforts to protect them and make them available to everyone. Censorship is only performed by those that want to control, hide, deceive, and manipulate, but here that FACT is over. Our main commandment is to never censor what is published. People has the power to ignore it, see it, rate it, reject it, or comment it. The only things we forbid are that an underage individual enters the interface, that the Freedom of Speech shall be used, but is not limited to, racketeering, delinquency, terrorism, social aggression, or not to express FACTS.
Because in FACTS we trust
FACTS and TRUTH should not be censored
FACTS and TRUTH do not need authors
FACTS and TRUTH should be available to everyone
We believe in Feedom of Speech exercised with respect, moral and responsability
Only Recent FACTS Published
Viral Trap is not an archive of information, notes, texts, or publications. It is a living source of FACTS that will live as long as the public decides through hits and votes, and our intelligent system will delete those beyond this time threshold.
How We Handle Your Account
We don't record your name, address, geolocation, or any other sensitive information about you; FACTS do not need name or sponsor. So, your integrity is protected! You create an Account with general information, your email, and most importantly an Alias that will be used in all you interactions with Meline.
Only Recent FACTS Published
Meline is not an archive of information, notes, texts, or publications. It is a living source of FACTS that will live as long as 30 days and our intelligent system will delete those beyond this time threshold.
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